We love to incorporate natural stone into the landscapes that we design for our clients. Stone is beautiful as well as durable and it makes the perfect compliment for the plants surrounding it.
There are many options for stone in the landscape, from flagstone patios, to fieldstone retaining walls and seat walls, to boulder steps climbing up a hillside. Steps are often essential, but sometimes adding a fieldstone step or two as a decorative feature can add drama to the landscape.

Garden sections can be separated by stone, whether by a natural stone wall or by fieldstone steppers meandering through the space. And stone can provide a great place to sit in the form of a boulder or a bench. This particular stone bench (below) was in our display, but one of my clients fell in love with it, so it is now a part of their back yard landscape.

Intentionally placed boulders can add a nice decorative touch. And, river rock used in the form of a dry creek bed can provide a nice design element as well.

Congratulations on your new blog, Jennifer! Very personable and a nice combo of pictures & info.